
Bundles contain selected products that cannot be modified or exchanged, if you prefer to select and have the possibility to exchange your products, opt for our tailor-made diet plans. Thanks to a made-to-measure assessment, these plans are adapted to your profile (age, height, sex, weight, history, ...) and benefit from full support from your personal dietitian.

Click here to start an anonymous, quick assessment, free of charge

Select your bundle type :


Lose up to 6.5lb a week

Based on high protein products improved by the addition of active slimming agents.



Lose up to 4.5lb a week

Based on diet dishes improved by our French starred chef Marc Meurin


Classic High Protein

Lose up to 4.5lb a week

Based on classic high protein products


What support would you like ?

Unlike the tailor-made programmes which can be accessed after a personalised assessment and which have full weekly support by a dedicated dietitian, the all-inclusive bundles listed below offer limited support.

Basic support

30 min. initial phone consultation plus email assistance at your request

A great way to get started and then manage your own programme

Find out more

E-mail assistance

Email support only and whenever you want it

You know the programmes and want to follow them independently.

Find out more

What is your weight loss goal? :

Move the cursor to set your goal!

We are offering you 0 tailor-made bundle(s) :

Bundle + + Goal -

The displayed weight loss goal is not a guaranteed result, it is an indicative target. The result varies from one individual to another depending on their profile and based on careful monitoring of the programme and stabilisation phase.

* The weight loss achieved varies from one individual to another and hence can not be guaranteed, it also relies on careful monitoring of the programme and stabilisation phase.

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